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Meyer & Dana Orthodontics is for your help in saving your “POP TABS” to help out our beloved patient Grayson AKA “The Pop Tab Kid”
Grayson was diagnosed at the age of 4 with an inoperable brain tumor called astrocytoma. He has laid still for countless un-sedated MRIs, been through radiations, chemotherapy, taken a targeting drug for years, radiosurgery, steroids, never-ending pokes, and appointments and yet he still makes each day GREAT! Not only is this young man the definition of courage, positivity and love he has NEVER lost his joy!
We hope you will help Grayson in his mission to donate to other families in need! Grayson's current goal is 3,000 pounds of pop-tabs! Grayson donates these pop tabs to support the children and families staying at a Ronald McDonald House! AWARENESS IS WHERE IT STARTS!
Learn More about Grayson's Mission at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thepoptabkid
Rushmore Crossing
1165 Eglin St.